A lot of people worry that they need a life jacket to kayak. You don’t need special equipment other than what you’d typically bring on a day trip. This isn’t to say that a lifejacket can’t be helpful in certain situations.

It is essential to wear a life jacket when paddling in deep water or near obstacles because they make it difficult to maneuver or right yourself if tipped into the water.

Can I wear my life jacket while kayaking?

You may find situations where wearing a life jacket might be helpful while kayaking. You may be kayaking with a group of people, and it’s possible that you could be separated from the group. If this happens, wearing a life jacket will help keep you afloat and help keep you safe as long as your kayak is in the water.

If a kayaker gets caught in rapids, they may want to wear their life jacket because they can use it to keep themselves afloat while waiting for help.

You could also get into an accident with your kayak, such as hitting a dock or getting into a collision. In cases like these, it’s possible that you might be thrown into the water, and wearing your life jacket will help keep you safe.

3 Reasons why having a life jacket is recommended

1. Bad Weather

Before you get on the water, check the weather and plan accordingly. When I started my adventure in inflatable kayaking last year, I had no idea what to expect from the weather. If you are new to the sport, make sure to research the weather patterns for your area.

You’ll never know when a storm could hit and before it does, check the weather to see if you need to call off your journey or if you need to bring a rain jacket or an extra poncho.

Weather can also be dependent on when you decide to go kayaking. You should check the tide chart for your area and base your outing on that, depending on how much water is in the bay or ocean. If the tide is high, you might have to abandon your kayaking adventure for the day.

2. If You have been injured

If you are ill or injured and need to get to safety, this could be a crucial life-saving item that could save your life.

Most of these kayaks are made of plastic, without any openings. In many cases, attempting a self-rescue would be extremely difficult (and dangerous!).

3. If You Lose Consciousness

It’s not uncommon for people to lose consciousness when in the water due to being hit by something or having problems breathing. This is particularly true of high-impact crashes where the victim is thrown into a lake or river.

In these cases, your life jacket will help keep you afloat while someone calls for help. Even if you don’t lose consciousness, you’ll still want to wear your floatation device because you may become unconscious later in the day.

When not to wear my life jacket?

Sometimes you might not want to wear your life jacket while kayaking, even if the conditions require one.

For example, in the summertime, you may prefer not to wear a life jacket to make yourself comfortable and because it may interfere with your ability to paddle.

You may even opt not to wear a life jacket on calm days or in small lakes or ponds where you feel safe from danger.

Why You Should Wear a Life Jacket While Kayaking

When you’re kayaking, you need to be fully aware of the dangers and risks of being in the water. One danger is drowning, which almost always results from falling or overboard. As a result, it’s critical to wear a life jacket at all times while on your trip.

It’s normal to be uncomfortable while kayaking, and you may get a mild headache or feel a bit woozy from time to time. If you start to feel sick, you must wear your life jacket. If you don’t, you may go underwater, which would be a real tragedy.

Suppose you go overboard while kayaking; getting back in will be much harder. You won’t be able to swim like a fish, so it could take way longer to get back in than it would have without the life jacket on.

In addition, there’s a good chance you’ll lose your paddling skills, which is never a good thing if you’re trying to avoid accidents on the water.

However, it’s also important to remember that life jackets aren’t inflatable or waterproof and can only do so much. You’ll have a much better chance of survival if you know how to prevent the risk of drowning, which is why wearing a life jacket is always the best choice.

Final thoughts

Needless to say that wearing a life jacket is an essential aspect of kayaking safety. On the other hand, it’s a piece of equipment that’s very easy to put on, so you can wear it even when you’re getting yourself used to standing up on the watercraft and keeping balance.

The main factor to consider is your weight. You don’t want a life jacket that doesn’t provide enough buoyancy for your body size and weight because, in this case, it will only make things worse when you capsize.

A life jacket will not only provide safety, but it will also allow you to paddle or swim backward with ease so that you can return to your kayak if needed.

While in a kayak, one should always wear a life jacket to be safe and secure. One will no longer be worried about capsizing or drowning if they have the proper safety gear, including the right life jacket. Thus it is always recommended to wear it while in a kayak so as not to encounter any danger.
